Founder of MEMAS (Mid-East Marketing & Advertising Services) in Lebanon, in 1961, Erwin pioneered the regional development of advertising in the Arab peninsula area by opening his first office in Kuwait, in 1968. He merged a number of advertising agencies together with MEMAS to form Intermarkets in 1971. He became chairman of the Board and CEO since then. Intermarkets is one of the leading communication groups in the Middle East, with offices in all key markets; and has developed public relations services in affiliation with Burson-Marsteller, and marketing relationship services with Tequila/Option One.
Guerrovich is a founding member of the Lebanon Chapter of the IAA, twice president of the chapter and a former director in the world-wide IAA board. Currently he is vice-president of the Syndicate of Lebanese Advertising Agencies. He chairs or participates in various committees working on the ethics and advancement of advertising standards in the Middle East region.