  Erwin Guerrovich
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  Erwin Guerrovich
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  Erwin Guerrovich
Erwin Guerrovich

Conferences - 1983 - ArabAd

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1. The formation of a self regulatory system;
2. To encourage the education of young people in our industry In Mass Communication subjects;
3. To work towards a definition of "Pan Arab media and markets";
4. To develop a research programme to analyse and evaluate the data available in the Arab world markets;
5. Arab African Promoters for International Conferences. (AAPIC), will undertake administrative and organizational decisions regarding all future Advista Arabia conferences.
Another suggestion proposed the convening of a new Advista Arabia every two years at a venue to be determined, and that it maintains its international identity.

From left Fares, Choueiri, Guerrovich and Pitcher.
As the Egyptian Minister of information, H. E. Satvat El Sherif said in his welcoming address, not only was this conference an important event for Cairo, but it is so also for advertising. The conference attracted, for the first time, representatives of the media, advertising agencies, publishing organizations, and business people from all over the world, thereby assessing the present and the future of advertising, business and economic trends.
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