Following are the biographies of speakers not included in The Innovators Magazine.
Erwin Guerrovich
Chairman and CEO of Intermarkets Group, Beirut, which he founded in 1961 as Middle East Marketing and Advertising Services. The Group name became Intermarkets as the result of a merger in 1971. After studies in England, Erwin joined a Lebanese trading company as advertising manager in 1960 before striking out on his own. Intermarkets was the first ME agency to develop a regional presence, with its first Gulf office opening in Kuwait in 1968. Bahrain followed in 1973, then the head office relocated to Bahrain for three years 1975-78 after the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War. Egypt office opened in 1976, Dubai also in 1976, Saudi Arabia in 1978 and Jordan in 1980. A European base was established in London in 1982 and the group has recently added Syria (1994) and Yemen (1995).
Edmond I Moutran
President and Chief Executive, Middle East Marketing and Communications - MEMAC - a group of full service agencies which he founded in 1982. Eddie began his career with Intermarkets in Beirut in 1972, having graduated in the USA, and after one year moved to develop an office in Bahrain, facing the emerging challenge of media development in the Gulf Slates. He became general manager, Intermarkets Bahrain, and regional manager, Gulf, adding in 1979 the role of bureau chief for Intermarket's PR associate, Burson Marsteller. In 1981 he was given the opportunity to set up his own agency, resulting in the founding of MEMAC in February 1982. From one client and a staff of four he has built MEMAC into a substantial network of wholly owned and associate agencies.
(The Innovators Magazine)